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Amargasaurus cazaui

based on 1 review
created by Emma Hall
sample tin
makes 5 cups
3oz pouch
37¢ per cup
5oz tin
38¢ per cup
Why did I choose Amargasaurus and not another one of the famous Argentinian dinosaurs? ...Because I felt like it, and because that neck is just lovely. Yerba and citrus mate are a salute to the rich tea culture of this dinosaur's homeland, and orange peels add zest and bitterness (amarga means bitter) to the blend. Bitter that it wasn't the largest of its kind, like its neighbors Giganotosaurus and Argentinasaurus.

High caffeine | Steep at 165° for 3 mins
Signature blends are not eligible for returns.

Customer Reviews (1)

ingredients & lore

blended with black tea, yerba mate tea, orange, yerba mate, natural bergamot flavor, blue cornflowers, natural orange flavor, natural lemon flavor & marigold flowers

tea puddle tea puddle tea puddle

teas: earl grey bravo, yerba mate & citrus mate

accented with orange peels

First named in 1991, Amargasaurus was a relatively small sauropod, and its neck was proportionally small. The animal's most stunning feature, however, was the double row of spines travelling down its spine, the longest of which were 60 centimeters. These may have supported a sail, such as the one seen on Dimetrodon, and used for defense, communication, courtship, or temperature regulation; or covered with a horny sheath, which may have been rattled together to produce sound.

this tea is part of the Paleo Brews fandom

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