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Serenitea: River

based on 2 reviews
created by Austin Browncoats
sample tin
makes 5 cups
3oz pouch
37¢ per cup
5oz tin
38¢ per cup
'You take care of me, Simon. You've always taken care of me. My turn.' Once River was able to make sense of the memories that weren't hers to carry, she was able to see things with some well deserved clarity. And kick a whole lot of reaver butt! While we hope the fruity oaty bar jingle will no longer cause her to go all kick crazy on innocent bystanders, we have a feeling this brilliantly complex character is still a might unpredictable. This blend melds together black teas from different regions, allowing a deep, smoky background which is fused with the sweet, sultriness of caramel and the delightful unexpected addition of almonds. Dark, sweet and just a tad bit nutty, just like River.

High caffeine | Steep at 212° for 3 mins
Signature blends are not eligible for returns.

Customer Reviews (2)


blended with black tea, yunnan jig tea, wuyi ensemble tea, natural caramel flavor & natural almond flavor

tea puddle tea puddle tea puddle

teas: mambo, almond & caramel

this tea is part of the SERENITEA fandom

Love Serenitea: River? This is just one of 30 teas in this fandom. Check out the whole series.

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