Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood by Alia

General Roy Mustang
by Alia
Score: 95
cream, oriental spice, chocolate chai
Winry Rockbell
by Alia
white blueberry, apricot green, vanilla green
The First Embodiment of Greed
by Alia
Score: 90
vanilla oolong, almond oolong, dewy cherry
The Dwarf in the Flask
by Alia
lapsang souchong, earl grey lavender, chocolate chip
Brigadier General Maes Hughes
by Alia
gunpowder, spiced green, cherry green
Van Hohenheim
by Alia
Score: 99
lapsang souchong, hojicha, vanilla green
Ling Yao
by Alia
oriental spice, apricot, thai chai
Mei Chang
by Alia
Score: 90
chamomile, mango melange, green rooibos key west
Alphonse Elric
by Alia
apple, wild strawberry, candy apple
The Second Embodiment of Greed
by Alia
almond, mocha nut mate, chestnut