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The Puyo Tea

created by Biinny Biinny
sample tin
makes 5 cups
3oz pouch
37¢ per cup
5oz tin
38¢ per cup
The Puyo Tea
by Biinny Biinny
The Puyo Tea
by Biinny Biinny
The Puyo Tea
by Biinny Biinny
After a hard day slaving over a hot microphone, I need something unique to soothe my throat. I've grown accustomed to my classic tea blend, so I've developed this modern take on a classic. Years of scientific research, taste-testing and making toilet jokes has led to the creation of THEPUYOTea, the definitive blend of mambo, chocolate CHIP and vanilla GREEN. You read that right, my patented tea blend is composed of both a dance, a dessert and whatever the hell 'vanilla GREEN' is. You're sure to say 'bottoms up' as your taste buds are enchanted by the magical 'smoky' aroma, highlighted by the 'tang of the Ceylon.' I'm not sure if that's a location, a drug or a Pokemon but whatever it is it's probably delicious. Drink me. You won't be disappointed.

High caffeine | Steep at 195° for 3 mins
Signature blends are not eligible for returns.


blended with black tea, green tea, yunnan jig tea, wuyi ensemble tea, natural chocolate flavor, dark chocolate chips, cocoa nibs & natural vanilla flavor

tea puddle tea puddle tea puddle

teas: mambo, chocolate chip & vanilla green

accented with candy canes

Video Review

this tea is part of the THE FLAVOR FRIENDS fandom

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Love The Puyo Tea? This is just one of 4 teas in this fandom. Check out the whole series.

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