Disaster Magnets of Thedas by Rosilin M.

For those who were in the wrong place at the right time and ended up saving the world... maybe.
"Don't worry. Helping people and killing people are what I'm best at." - Hawke Tea blends made to reflect some of my favorite characters who come from the Dragon Age Universe.

Mera Hawke: Fire In Her Bones
by Rosilin M.
white tangerine, green rooibos, double ginger
Warden Surana's Elfroot Blend
by Rosilin M.
Score: 99
irish breakfast, spearmint, green rooibos
Historian Hummingbird Soul
by Rosilin M.
Score: 99
citrus mint green, dragon fruit dream, green rooibos
In Between The Storms
by Rosilin M.
rooibos vanilla chai, honeybush chocolate, decaf vanilla