Fandompocalypse by Sarah Penick

We're all fans of something.
Music. Games. Movies. Books. TV shows. We all love lots of things. We're all the same on the inside. So why do we attack and hate each other just because we don't like the other person's fandom? Can't we all be friends, even if we don't understand how someone could like that thing? That's where Fandompocalypse comes in. On February 15th, we proudly display our fandoms, write "Fandompocalypse" on our arms in green ink, and use the hashtag #FandompocalypseDay to spread the news. On this day, we choose to seek out other fans and be kind, even if we hate their fandom. But why contain it to one day? May we spread the spirit of Fandompocalypse everywhere we go, every day of the year. Because we all love something, and everyone needs a friend. These tea blends can help spark such a revolution of nerdy kindness.

Moon Princess Relaxing Brew
by Sarah Penick
Score: 90
spearmint, lavender lemon, green rooibos blueberry