SupernaTEArl by Sweet Teamotion

A community for tea-loving fans who are members of the #SPNfamily
To join and get access to ALL of SweetT's SPN-inspired teas (including teas for Bobby, Gabriel, Chuck, and more), go to, click "fandom" and search "super," scroll down to SweetT's banner of "SupernaTEArl" teas and click the "join this fandom" button! Answer the fans-only quiz correctly, and you'll even get a cool badge for your profile!

Ramblin' Man (Dean)
by Sweet Teamo...
Score: 96
irish breakfast, gunpowder, chestnut
Wayward Son (Sam)
by Sweet Teamo...
Score: 98
caramel, vanilla, hazelnut
Heaven's Missing an Angel (Castiel)
by Sweet Teamo...
Score: 95
earl grey moonlight, almond, chocolate chip