Coffee Talk by MrsPremise

Milky Way
by Mrspremise
Score: 95
caramel, cream, spearmint
Sugar and Spice
by Mrspremise
Score: 95
rooibos vanilla chai, honeybush pumpkin chai, decaf vanilla
Spiced Lady
by Mrspremise
Score: 99
earl grey moonlight, chocolate
The Grinch
by Mrspremise
Score: 99
green chai, gunpowder, peppermint
Midsummer Nights Dream
by Mrspremise
Score: 99
rooibos caramel, rooibos lemon cloud, decaf orange
Russian Tea
by Mrspremise
Score: 99
fiery cinnamon spice, thai chai, lemongrass
Lemony Snippet
by Mrspremise
Score: 98
cream, butterscotch, lemongrass
Shin Genmaicha
by Mrspremise
Score: 97
hojicha, spiced green, honeybush
Teh Tarik
by Mrspremise
Score: 92
irish breakfast, coconut, vanilla
by Mrspremise
rooibos caramel, decaf vanilla
Shai Adeni
by Mrspremise
vanilla oolong, rooibos vanilla chai
by Mrspremise
gunpowder, citrus mint green, peppermint
by Mrspremise
peach, chamomile, decaf vanilla
Cough Syrup
by Mrspremise
citron green, white monkey, kukicha


Gala Had
cream, ginger