ARAGO by Maggie Berg

Manga by Takahiro Arai. The story centers around two twins, Arago and Ewan, whose parents were slaughtered by monsters. Years later, the vengeful Arago crosses paths with Ewan, who has since become a police officer, just as blood begins to flow again in the streets of London.

Coco Sullivan
by Maggie Berg
Score: 99
coconut, white monkey, cocomint green
Ewan Hunt
by Maggie Berg
Score: 99
green chai, hojicha, honeybush hazelnut
Rio Butler
by Maggie Berg
Score: 99
ginseng green, gunpowder, kukicha
Seth Stringer
by Maggie Berg
Score: 90
cinnamon, hibiscus
oswell miller v.0
by Maggie Berg
Score: 99
mambo, vanilla, gunpowder
Hugh Weissman
by Maggie Berg
white peony, white pear, mango mate
Joe Sullivan
by Maggie Berg
Score: 99
foxtrot, yerba mate
Galley Beggar
by Maggie Berg
Score: 90
cream, masala chai, pumpkin spice
Guri Guri
by Maggie Berg
almond, raspberry, tiger eye
Lucian Gardner
by Maggie Berg
lapsang souchong, ceylon sonata, grapefruit


Arago Hunt
earl grey moonlight, chocolate, candy apple
Scarlet Lavie
ginger, summer rose, blood orange
Simon Cloteaux
pu-erh dante, currant, pomegranate