The Spice Must Flow by Lillie Crawford

Who controls the Chai controls the universe.
Wonderful news: the Melange now exists on Earth in 2019! No need to continue paying those exorbitant fees to have it imported from Arrakis! A collection of teas inspired by Frank Herbert's <i>Dune</i> novels. I have taken the story's assertion that "the Spice permeates everything" and allowed myself to run mad with it (the idea, not the Spice), bringing the Spice to earth across space and time (we have since learnt how to get it from ordinary Earthworms...shh, just accept it), and putting a variety of "spins" on it. The 'Spice Melange' blend embodies how I imagine "pure spice/spice concentrate" would taste and smell. The other blends are variations, depending on what the Spice might be mixed with in day-to-day life. Thank you for stopping by! The Chai Must Flow!

by Lillie Craw...
Score: 90
vanilla, vanilla oolong, rooibos vanilla chai
The Spice Melange
by Lillie Craw...
Score: 80
oriental spice, masala chai, cinnamon rooibos chai
Duncan Idaho
by Lillie Craw...
irish breakfast, green chai, gunpowder
by Lillie Craw...
pu-erh tahiti, spiced apple chai
House Atreides
by Lillie Craw...
earl grey moonlight, green chai, spiced green
by Lillie Craw...
Score: 80
chocolate, chocolate chip, chocolate chai
by Lillie Craw...
green chai, gunpowder, earl grey green
by Lillie Craw...
pu-erh spice, honeybush pumpkin chai, honeybush hazelnut
The Spice Melange II
by Lillie Craw...
irish breakfast, oriental spice, masala chai
Vengeance for Alia
by Lillie Craw...
Score: 99
irish breakfast, thai chai, cinnamon rooibos chai